Charting the Right Course

At Zelig Advisory Services, we ask a lot of questions. Encourage a lot of dialogue. Those questions and the conversations around them unearth that most precious of jewels: insights.

Those insights generate ideas. Those ideas often become the singular initiative for growth you need. If you see value in a highly organic and collaborative approach, we’ll develop a tailored plan and an approach to move your business forward.

While our adaptive and bespoke process may be different from that of a typical consultant, you’ll find it more enjoyable and productive.

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Zelig works with clients along a spectrum of situations, depending on their needs and circumstances. Some clients need discovery and diagnostic assistance to unearth the fundamental problems and opportunities. Often clients have the diagnosis but haven’t yet distilled it into a single strategic narrative that addresses the issue. Some clients simply need a steadying hand and outside perspective to help define the execution (tactics, resources, organization) that can fully leverage the commercial value of their strategic narrative. In many cases clients need the full end-to-end advisory experience.


At Zelig we have proven expertise in these areas, all of which are highly correlated to revenue growth. We will chart the right course and develop the initiatives and approaches your company needs and deserves to realize its potential.


  • Strategic brand narratives

  • Brand identity (development and execution)


  • Strategic and tactical planning

  • B2C acquisition, retention and loyalty

  • B2B account-based marketing

Marketing Operations

  • Organization and structure

  • Content-asset audit and optimization

  • Operating-system efficiency and effectiveness 

  • ROMI (return on marketing investment) analysis and optimization

  • Go-to-market planning


  • Strategic-partner alliances: strategy, identification, search and closure

  • Mergers and acquisitions

  • Marketing service partner search and selection

  • Marketing service partner appraisal and evaluation

Brand/Product Development and Rollout

  • Lean start-up/MVP (minimum viable product) assessment and advisory

  • Market-fit analysis

  • Addressable-market analysis

  • Strategic marketing planning

  • Vertical/industry positioning

  • Marketing-spend modeling

  • Financial modeling

  • In-house resource planning

  • Investor narrative development and presentation production

Marketing Recruitment and Executive Coaching

  • CMO, VP, director

  • One-to-one executive leadership coaching (marketing and agency leaders)

Active Promotion

As a rule, Zelig Advisory Services does not work with clients in harmful industries or those that violate the founder’s personal principles. That’s our choice. We don’t believe it’s fair to a client if we don’t believe in their product or service.

Of course, there is a flip side to this. If Zelig takes up a project with a company, it means we firmly believe in its business idea, its principles and its purpose. Zelig will do everything in its power to promote that company to our network. In fact, in many cases it is our role to help identify an audience for a new business proposition. When conditions warrant, we will call on all our relevant network contacts to help validate the premise. Often, those contacts become customers.

All of which means that Zelig Advisory Services clients receive not only insightful and impactful advisory and growth-oriented work but often additional relationships that directly drive revenue as well.

We’d love to work with you.